Sak Yant Tattoo Rules: Understanding the Seven Precepts and Beyond -

Sak Yant Tattoo Rules: Understanding the Seven Precepts and Beyond

One of the misunderstood aspects of receiving a Sak Yant tattoo is the set of rules associated with maintaining its power. The confusion arises for two simple reasons.

Respect the tattoo by adhering to the guidelines given by the Ajarn or monk who performed it. Live a moral and ethical lifestyle, and avoid specific prohibited activities or behaviors. Regularly receive blessings to recharge the tattoo's power.

Following these rules ensures that your Sak Yant tattoo retains its intended power and significance.

Each Sak Yant tradition has its own specific rules for maintaining the tattoo's power. Many rules cited online come from misunderstandings, particularly those related to Wat Bang Phra, a training center for monks.

The Importance of Sak Yant Rules

Understanding and adhering to Sak Yant tattoo rules is crucial for anyone considering these sacred tattoos. While the specific rules can vary depending on the tradition and the guidance of your tattoo master, there are some universally recognized guidelines known as the Seven Precepts. However, it's important to note that there may be additional Sak Yant rules specific to your situation.

Failure to follow these Sak Yant tattoo guidelines can result in the loss of the tattoo's power and protection. Therefore, it’s essential to familiarize yourself not only with the Seven Precepts but also with any additional instructions provided by your tattoo master.

What Are The Seven Rules For Sak Yant tattoos?

1. You Must Not Kill

This rule emphasizes developing a deep respect for all forms of life and choosing non-violence. It means avoiding harm or taking the life of any sentient being, including humans, animals, and even insects. This is a fundamental Sak Yant tattoo rule that underscores the importance of compassion.


2.You must not curse others and must be filial to your parents

While the original precept involves abstaining from false speech, in the Sak Yant tradition, greater importance is placed on family. This underscores the need to maintain harmonious relationships and show respect towards family members. In many Asian cultures, family is the cornerstone of society, and filial piety is a highly valued virtue. Speaking ill of one’s family, especially one’s mother, is considered a serious breach of moral conduct.


3. You must not eat certain foods and meats

Adherents must avoid consuming starfruit, food and drinks from funerals, bananas directly, gourds or pumpkins, and the meat of tigers, elephants, horses, dogs, bears, and monkeys. This Sak Yant tattoo rule is crucial for maintaining the purity and power of the tattoo.



4. You Must Not Steal

This rule extends beyond the physical act of stealing to include taking anything without permission, manipulating situations to one’s advantage, or exploiting others. It also involves respecting others’ time, ideas, and efforts. Following this Sak Yant tattoo rule helps maintain ethical integrity.

5. You must not walk under certain objects

You must avoid walking under starfruit trees, women’s drying clothes, or allowing menstruating women to step over you. This is a unique but common Sak Yant tattoo rule that reflects cultural taboos and respect for sacred symbols.


6. You must not allow a female to step on the tattoo

You must not allow a female masseuse to step on the tattoo or sacred symbols with her feet during a massage. This Sak Yant tattoo rule is about maintaining the sanctity and respect for the tattoo.



7. You must not spit in the toilet

This taboo exists because the toilet is considered an unclean place, and spitting in it is seen as disrespectful to the Sak Yant. Adhering to this Sak Yant tattoo rule helps preserve the tattoo's sacredness.



Why Following Rules Of Sak Yant Tattoo Is Important?

Loss of Protection and Power

Many believers hold that if the Seven Precepts and other Sak Yant tattoo rules are not followed, the magical power and protection of the tattoo will fade away. This makes understanding and adhering to these rules essential.

Misfortune or Bad Luck

Violating Sak Yant tattoo rules may bring misfortune, manifesting as health problems, financial difficulties, relationship issues, or other forms of adversity. If you break these rules, you will need to seek a re-blessing from the master who performed your Sak Yant to restore its magic.

If you break these  sak yant tattoo rules, you will need to seek a re-blessing from the master who performed your Sak Yant to restore its magic.

Wat Bang Phra’s Sak Yant Tattoo Rules of Conduct

Most of the Sak Yant Rules of Conduct found online originate from a sign at Wat Bang Phra. It is unlikely that Westerners receiving a Sak Yant were specifically given these rules; they likely saw the sign and blogged about it.

Wat Bang Phra, located just outside of Bangkok, is the most famous icon of Sak Yant tattoos. This temple and monastery not only serves as a training center for monks and Sak Yant tattoos but also as a school for young novice monks. Monks deeply respect their teachers and lineage, often following their teachings word for word. Over time and through translations, some distortions in the Sak Yant Rules of Conduct have emerged, making some rules sound odd.

Following are the Sak Yant rules:

Sak Yant Rules from Wat Bang Phra

  • Avoid star fruit, pumpkin, and gourd-type vegetables.
  • Do not engage with a married person.
  • Refrain from slandering anyone's mother.
  • Do not consume food from weddings or funerals.
  • Avoid eating leftovers.
  • Do not pass under washing lines or overhanging structures.
  • Avoid passing under Thaanii banana trees.
  • Do not cross single head bridges; large and small bridges are acceptable.
  • Do not sit on ceramic urns, especially if cracked or broken.
  • Avoid letting a woman lie or sit on top of you.
  • Men should not be brushed by women's clothing, particularly during menstruation.

Understanding the Oddity of Sak Yant Tattoo Rules

Some Sak Yant tattoo rules may seem odd, but they make more sense when considering they were historically meant for novice monks. For example, monks only eat once a day before noon, so not eating food from weddings, funerals, or leftovers makes sense in this context. For the general Thai population, it means avoiding food from a Spirit House.

Monks must avoid temptation and impurities. Washing lines and banana trees might have women's undergarments, so to avoid any menstruation contact, it's better to go around them. Some rules are straightforward for leading a good life, while others remain unclear. Monks and Ajarns often attribute these rules to their masters' teachings, reflecting a cultural tendency not to question authority.

As a Westerner, you might speculate that rules were made for practical reasons, like preventing children from breaking urns or falling off beams. Over time, these rules were passed down without much questioning.

Ultimately, you don't have to take online Sak Yant tattoo rules as absolute. When you receive a Sak Yant, it's assumed you follow general religious guidelines. Monks or Ajarns may or may not emphasize these rules, depending on their lineage. The key is to remember that the Sak Yant is sacred, and its bearer should lead a good life. This is the essence of the Sak Yant tattoo rules.

For more information about Sak Yant tattoo, including origins, history, designs and the meanings behind each patterns, taboos, and the divine energy and incantations, click to learn more.

Souce from own experience and Wikipedia Google Scholar BBC Medium Sak Yant Tattoo in Thailand: All You Need to Know Before You Go – wayward wayfarer

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