Sak Yant Tattoo Meanings of the Traditional Thai Tattoo Designs

Thailand Sak Yant Tattoo, also known as Yantra Tattoo, is a traditional form of tattooing that originated in Southeast Asia over 2,000 years ago. Its origins are shrouded in the mists of time, believed to trace back to ancient animistic and Hindu-Brahmin traditions before gradually integrating into Buddhist practices.

Sak Yant Origin

In the 17th century, as empires rose and fell, Sak Yant tattoos were powerful talismans for warriors. Soldiers sought these sacred tattoos from Ajarns (tattoo masters) to gain divine protection, enhanced strength, and unparalleled courage on the battlefield. The intricate designs and whispered incantations were believed to summon ancient spirits, creating an invisible shield around the bearer. They believed that with the Sak Yant tattoos, they would be invincible and impervious to weapons.

khem sak(เข็มสักยันต์)

Khem Sak is the long tool used by the Ajarn (tattoo master) for Sak Yant tattoos. Its use dates back to the Khmer Empire (9th-15th century AD).The needle length usually ranges from 20 to 30 centimeters, depending on the tattoo artist's preferences.

Find True Sak Yant Locations in Thailand (Temples and Ajarns)

The traditional Sak Yant Tattoo needle (Khem Sak)used by an Ajarn, which is 200 years old.
Photographed in 2019, Chiang Mai, Wat Ban Den Temple(ที่เชียงใหม่ วัดบ้านเด่น )

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Why Understanding Sak Yant Tattoo Meanings is Difficult ?

1. Communication with the Sak Yant Master

Understanding Sak Yant designs and meanings requires extensive training in magical languages, symbolism, and appropriate blessings. This knowledge is hard to convey, especially if you don't understand Thai. Ensure you have an English-speaking master (rare) or bring a Thai-speaking person with you.

2. Translating Complex Magical Concepts

The intricate nature of Sak Yant tattoos involves complex magical concepts that are difficult to translate. The master's deep understanding of these elements is challenging to express concisely, particularly across language barriers. Having an English-speaking master or a translator can help bridge this gap.

3. Different Sak Yant Lineages and Styles

Various traditions of Sak Yant exist, each with unique designs and meanings. Masters may specialize in their own school of training, making it difficult even for knowledgeable masters to interpret tattoos from other lineages. Slight changes in text or design components can alter the meaning, adding to the complexity.

The 3 Master Yants


If it’s your first time getting a Sak Yant Tattoo, then more than likely it will be one of the three Master Yants. The reason is that the Master Yantras already offer a myriad of blessings that more than covers what people usually desire in life.


The Hah Taew, or the Five Lines Yant, is one of the most recognizable and popular Sak Yant tattoos. The picture above actually shows Angelina Jolie sporting the Hah Taew on her left shoulder. 

Behind its simplicity hides the profound spiritual meaning each line holds. The word “Hah” means five in Thai, and each of the five lines in the Hah Taew contains a specific verse Kata, that bestows blessings.

Here are the traditional meanings of each line:

  1. The First Line: This line is believed to provide protection, preventing unjust punishment and offering fortification against any physical harm directed towards you.
  2. The Second Line: This line seeks to reverse bad fortune. 
  3. The Third Line: It offers protection against black magic and any ill will that might be cast upon you.
  4. The Fourth Line: This line bestows you with good luck and success. It’s said to enhance your fortune, making your endeavors more likely to succeed. 
  5. The Fifth Line: Known for promoting charisma and attraction, this line can help you be loved and respected by others.

The Sak Yant Hah Taew (5 lines) dates its origin back over 700 years to the ancient Kingdom of Lanna which is now known as Northern Thailand. The Buddhist Monk credited with the design of the Hah Taew 5 Lines Sak Yant is Kruba Kam of Wat Ton Pin, a Buddhist Temple in Chiang Mai, which unfortunately no longer exists today. Kruba Kam designed the Hah Taew at around the time King Mengrai founded the city of Chiang Mai in 1296.


The Paed Tidt Yant, also known as the Eight Directions Yant, is a circular design that consists of eight points, each symbolizing a direction on the compass. The Yant is often associated with travel, offering protection to the wearer no matter where they go.

Each direction of the Paed Tidt Yant is represented by a specific Kata, and these mantras correspond to the eight emanations of the Buddha. By aligning the tattoo with the cardinal directions, it’s believed that the wearer is granted protection from harm, no matter where it may come from.

The 8 Paed Tidt Mantras(มนต์แปดทิศ)

  • I Ra Cha Ka Tha Ra Saa (chant when traveling to the east – also chant and blow into your food for protection against illness/danger)
  • Thi Hang Ja Thoe Roe Thi Nang (chant when traveling Southeast)
  • Bi Sam Ra Loe Bu Sath Put (chant when traveling south )
  • Soe Maa Na Ga Ri Taa Toe (chant when traveling Southwest)
  • Pa Sam Sam Wi Sa Tae Pa (chant when traveling West)
  • Ka Put Ban Tuu Tam Wa Ka (chant when traveling Northwest)
  • Waa Toe Noe A Ma Ma Waa (chant when traveling North)
  • A Wich Su Nuch Saa Nu Thi (chant when traveling Northeast)

    Heart of Ithibisoe Mantra (Kata) is;
  • A Sang Wi Su Loe Bu Sa Pu Pa

3. NINE PEAKS (GAO YORD,เก้ายอด)

The Gao Yord is the “Yant Kru” or Master Yant and is a most sacred Buddhist tattoo with very wide ranging powers of protection and is quite possibly the most important of all the available Sak Yant designs. Many people will choose the Gao Yord as their first Sak Yant because of its universal powers and later add other Sak Yant designs of their choice.

The basic design of the Gao Yord represents the nine peaks of the mythical mountain of the Gods, Mount Meru. According to Hindu mythology, Mount Meru is the abode of the Lord Brahma as well as other Deities. In Buddhist mythology, Mount Meru is known as Sumeru.

  • Maeta Ma Hah Niyom: With this blessing you will be treated by others with great loving kindness and compassion which will improve your popularity and help you to gain preferential treatment.
  • Klaeoklad: This benefit ensures that the wearer will not suffer serious injury.
  • Chana Satru: The ability to defeat the enemy.
  • Ma Hah Amnat: This will give the wearer great power, authority and control over other people.
  • Awk Seuk: A willingness to go to war or to fight battles for those who have your loyalty and the desire to fight for what is right.
  • Kong Kra Phan: This will provide Magical protection and invincibility.
  • Oopatae: This will ensure that in whatever enterprise or business activities the wearer is involved in they will have the ability to do the work correctly and ensures that everything will run smoothly.
  • Ma Hah Saneh: This will give you charm and increase your popularity and attractiveness with the opposite sex.
  • Ma Hah Lap: This will bring great good fortune and luck.
  • Noon Chataa: This benefit will improve your destiny, fate
  • Pong Gan Antarai: This will give protection against accidents including natural disasters as well as giving protection against acts of violence.
  • Nah Tee Gan Ngan Dee: This benefit will help you to improve your circumstances at work

More Sak Yant Tattoo Designs And Meanings



Tiger Sak Yant Tattoo

Suea Koo, meaning ‘Twin Tigers’ or ‘Paired Tigers,’ is a symmetrical Tiger Tattoo.

The two tigers symbolize "Maha Amnaj" (power over one’s subordinates) and "Serm Yos" (improving status and promotion). This design is particularly favored by soldiers and policemen in commanding positions.

Explore Tige Yantra Meaning

Hanuman Sak Yant Tattoo Meaning

The Monkey God Sak Yant Meaning in Traditional Thai Tattoo Design

Hanuman, the Hindu mythical Monkey God from the time of Rama, is invincible and possesses powers far greater than humans, including the ability to fly. In Thai culture, Hanuman leads a monkey army to rid the world of unwanted spirits. Known for his humility and bravery, Hanuman symbolizes hope for humanity, showing that a mortal can rise above worldly shallowness.

There are various Sak Yant designs featuring Hanuman. These tattoos are believed to bestow protection from danger and fearlessness in adversity. Hanuman Sak Yants also help strengthen self-confidence, influence others on your behalf, and provide focus and determination to achieve successful outcomes.


Lotus Three-Line Sutra Rune

Lotus with extracts three key aspects from the classic five-line sutra: health, safety, and harmonious relationships.

1.This line is believed to provide protection, preventing unjust punishment and offering fortification against any physical harm directed towards you.

2. It offers protection against black magic and any ill will that might be cast upon you.

3.This line bestows you with good luck and success. It’s said to enhance your fortune, making your endeavors more likely to succeed. 


Diamond Armor Sak Yant Tattoo Meaning

Chat Phet Sak Yant Design and Meaning

The intricate Yant Ha Chet Phet design features five interconnected diamond shapes (Phet), providing the wearer with spiritual armor (Chet).

Hah Chet Phet Sak Yant symbolizes impenetrable spiritual armor, believed to protect the wearer from physical harm, danger, and negative energy. The five diamonds represent the protective powers of the five Buddha families: Akshobhya, Amitabha, Vairocana, Ratnasambhava, and Amoghasiddhi.

The Sak Yant Hah Chet Phet often accompanies the 5 Line Sak Yant, balancing symbolism and appearance. It can be placed on each shoulder with another Sak Yant tattoo in the middle.

The Diamond Armor Sak Yant wearer embodies courage, resilience, and protection, symbolizing strength and resolve. It's believed to grant the wearer abilities to overcome life's challenges and adversities, acting as a protective spiritual shield.


Fortified Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit Yantra

Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit is often used in Female Sak Yant tattoos, especially favored by women working in nightlife in Thailand.
It symbolizes charm, influential benefactors, and romantic luck. This sutra enhances one's allure and attractiveness, making it ideal for those seeking to attract wealth through relationships and unconventional means.
This yantra has a special feminine allure, and you hardly ever see men with it. They say that getting the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit Sutra tattoo can even make your eyes more captivating.

Explore More Female Sak Yant


Golden Nana Thong Sak Yantra

Have obstacles hindered your path? Have you earned money but failed to save it? Have your efforts yielded little reward?

Use the Golden Naga Tong to enhance your charm, elevate your aura, and attract positive energy, making you beloved and supported by others.

This Sak Yant design, derived from the ancient deity Phra Lak, not only attracts wealth but also helps you retain it, ensuring both earnings and savings.(The owner of this website got Naga Tong and highly recommends it, as it brought remarkable career success and rapid advancement in real life.)


Phra Pikanesa Sak Yant Tattoo Meaning

Ganesh Sak Yant Meaning in Traditional Thai Tattoo Design

Ganesh Sak Yant, featuring the elephant-headed deity, is popular for bringing business and financial prosperity. Known as Vinayaka or Ganapati in Hinduism, Ganesh has been worshipped for centuries.

There are different stories about Ganesh's origin. In one, Ganesh was conceived by Shiva and Parvati. In another, Parvati created Ganesh from an effigy to guard her privacy. When Shiva saw Ganesh, he mistakenly thought he was an intruder and beheaded him. Parvati demanded Shiva replace the head, and the first living creature he encountered was an elephant.

Another version says Ganesh was born from the elephant-headed goddess Malini after she drank Parvati's bath water. This Sak Yant design is favored by artists, singers, actors, and musicians, symbolizing material wealth and protection of valuable assets.


Soy Sung Warn Sak Yant Tattoo Meaning

Necklace Sak Yant Meaning in Traditional Thai Tattoo Design

The Soy Sung Warn (Necklace) Sak Yant symbolizes invulnerability and resembles a necklace in design.

In ancient times, warriors wore this Yant across their chest for protection from danger. They believed it made them invincible to weapons.

Today, this Sak Yant design is popular among soldiers and Muay Thai fighters for its attributes of:

  • Kindness
  • Power
  • Protection from weapons and harm



The Sak Yant Tiger Tattoo Suea Phen, or Leaping Tiger, is a tattoo design believed to grant the wearer immortality, making them invulnerable to any weapons. "Suea Phen" means running tiger, symbolizing that the wearer will excel at avoiding trouble and dangers. This Sak Yant Tiger Tattoo is highly regarded for its protective qualities and the agility it bestows upon its bearer.

Explore Tige Yantra Meaning


Hong Ku Sak Yant Tattoo Meaning

Golden Swan Sak Yant Meaning in Traditional Thai Tattoo Design

The Hong Ku Sak Yant, also known as the Golden Swan Sak Yant, carries deep significance. According to traditional tales, in one of the Lord Buddha’s many lives, he incarnated as a magical Golden Swan living in the forest. Revered by all other birds as their leader, the Golden Swan displayed remarkable calm and selflessness.

When caught in a trap, the Golden Swan did not panic but instead warned others to avoid the trap and urged them to fly away. This act of bravery and self-sacrifice saved many others from the same fate.

Wearers of the Hong Ku Yant are believed to be endowed with:

  • Charm
  • Popularity
  • Observational powers
  • The virtues of self-sacrifice and kindness


Phra Ra Hu Ohm Chan Sak Yant Tattoo Meaning

Moon Eater Sak Yant Meaning in Traditional Thai Tattoo Design

The Phra Ra Hu Ohm Chan, also known as the Moon Eater Sak Yant, carries significant meaning in Thai culture, influenced by Hinduism, Buddhism, and local beliefs.

Rahu, often depicted as a villain, symbolizes bad luck and undesirable events. Thai society sees Rahu as an asura with a black half-body, swallowing the sun or the moon.

This Sak Yant represents protection, warding off harm and danger, and reflecting away negative influences. It helps dispel bad luck, supports destiny, and turns misfortune into good fortune.


Prachao Ha Praong Sak Yant Tattoo Meaning

Traditional Thai Tattoo Design

The Prachao Ha Praong Sak Yant, translating to "The 5 Blessings of Buddha" and chanted as "Na-Mo-Put-Ta-Ya," is a fundamental Yant ("Yant Kru") in Sak Yant tradition.

Though less known to the public, it holds significant importance for Sak Yant disciples and is often seen in Buddhist representations. These sacred mantras are chanted by monks during meditation to reach higher states of consciousness.

Wearing this Yant is believed to bring:

  • Good Luck
  • Happiness
  • Well-being
  • Protection from bad spirits


Yant Centipede

The Yant Centipede, also known as Takarb or Dtakaap, symbolizes practical sensibility, balance, invincibility, and protection. This sacred tattoo is revered for its ability to provide a strong shield against negative forces while promoting a well-rounded and resilient approach to life's challenges.

More Centipede Sak Yant


Lotus Wealth Yantra Flower Tattoo

Lotus Wealth Yantra is a sacred geometric design often used in female Sak Yant tattoos.
It symbolizes peace, prosperity, and financial well-being. The lotus represents purity and spiritual growth, while the wealth aspect attracts abundance, success, and mental balance.Perfect for female forearm.

Explore More Female Sak Yant

Purse of Wealth Rune

It features the pattern of an ancient money bag, attracting wealth and bringing a continuous flow of money.
Salespeople often pair it with the Talking Bird Rune.


Yant 5 Rows & Lotus Sak Yant Meaning

Sak Yant Hah Taew (5 Rows) & Dok Bua Lotus Flower

The Yant Hah Taew (5 Rows) combined with the Dok Bua Lotus Flower, known as ยันต์ห้าแถวดอกบัว - ห้าแถวบัวเศรษฐี, merges the powers of both designs.

  • Dok Bua Thong: Attracts love and luck, aids in successful negotiations, and provides spiritual cleansing of the mind and aura.
  • Ha Taew (5 Rows): Each row represents a magical prayer, enhancing the overall power of the Yant.



Sak yant Pirod Talisman


Pra Jao Ha Pra Ong Sak Yant Tattoo Meaning

The Yant Phutson, also known as Buddha’s Diamond Sak Yant, is considered a "Maha Yant" (highest level Yant).

  • Benefits: Brings love, luck, and increased charm.
  • Protection: Guards against physical harm, accidents, and negative influences.
  • Inner Strength: Enhances resilience, helping the wearer overcome challenges and obstacles.

Mixed Combination Full Back Sak Yant Tattoo Meaning

Combination Full Back Sak Yant Designs

Combination full back Sak Yant tattoos are increasingly popular for those wanting multiple Yants in one session. Traditionally, this method is not common, and many Sak Yant Masters are hesitant to perform it.

However, understanding that many Sak Yant students live outside Thailand and cannot obtain Yants over time, some Masters, especially those with Sak Yant Chiang Mai, offer this service.

  • 1. Requirements

    Must know the meanings of the Yants and explain the reasons for wanting specific designs in one sitting.

  • 2. Customization

    The overall meaning of the full back Sak Yant can be personalized, combining various chosen designs.

  • 3. Popularity

    This allows for a tailored and meaningful combination of Sak Yant tattoos, reflecting the wearer's intentions.

Seven Rules of Sak Yant


1. You Must Not Kill

In Thai Buddhism, killing generates severe negative karma, which can even cause one to fall into the hell realm, animal realm, or hungry ghost realm.

2.You must not curse others and must be filial to your parents

In some Sak Yant rules, they even narrow this down specifically to the mother, as in “You must not speak ill of your mother.”

3. You must not eat certain foods and meats

You must not eat starfruit, food and drinks from funerals, eat bananas directly, eat gourds or pumpkins, or consume the meat of tigers, elephants, horses, dogs, bears, and monkeys.

4. You Must Not Steal

This not only refers to the physical act of stealing, but also extends to respect others’ time, ideas, and efforts, and not taking them for granted.

5. You must not walk under certain objects

You must not walk under starfruit trees, walk under women’s drying clothes, or let menstruating women step over you.

6. You must not allow a female to step on the tattoo

You must not allow a female masseuse to step on the tattoo or sacred symbols with her feet during a massage.

7. You must not spit in the toilet

This is a common taboo because the toilet is considered an unclean place, and spitting in the toilet is seen as disrespectful to the Sak Yant.

What will happen if you break these rules?

  1. Loss of Protection and Power
    The magical power and protection of the tattoo will fade away.
  2. Misfortune or Bad Luck
    This misfortune may show up as health problems, financial difficulties, relationship issues or others.

If you break these rules, you will need to seek a re-blessing from the master who performed your Sak Yant tattoo to restore its magic. is still under development.

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  • Understanding Sak Yant Tattoo Components

    The lines in Sak Yant designs symbolize the Umbilical Cord of the Buddha, known as 'The Bones of the Yant.' Various forms include Round, Triangular, Four-Sided, and Pictorial Yants.

  • Round Sak Yant Design

    • Meaning: Represents the Face of the Buddha (Pra Pakt Khong Pra Putta Jao).
    • Brahmin Tradition: Symbolizes Brahma.
  • Triangular Sak Yant Design

    • Meaning: Represents the Triple Gem of Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha (Pra Put, Pra Tamm, Pra Songk).
    • Brahmin Tradition: Symbolizes the three Lords of Heaven (Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu).
  • Four-Sided Sak Yant Design

    • Meaning: Represents the Four Elements/Continents (Earth, Water, Air, Fire).
  • Pictorial Sak Yant Design

    • Meaning: Represents various Angels, People, and Mythical Animals (Sathw Himapant).
  • Onk Pra Sak Yant Design

    • Meaning: Represents the Buddha Himself.
  • Half Moon Sak Yant Design

    • Meaning: Symbolizes the Moon illuminating the way in the dark.
  • Small Circle Sak Yant Design

    • Meaning: Represents the Sun, symbolizing daylight and the influence of stars and planets on human development.
  • Zig-Zag Sak Yant Design

    • Middle Spiral: Represents the Crown of the Head of the Buddha, indicating a straight and unwavering path.